Crowdfunding: Contribute to Rasonte’s life-saving equipment

Rasonte’ is a fifteen year old quadriplegic. She lost her arms and legs to sickle cell at a very young age. Yet, she is like most children and has dreams and hopes and even a career goal.

Rasonte’ is a fifteen year old quadriplegic. She lost her arms and legs to sickle cell at a very young age. Yet, she is like most children and has dreams and hopes and even a career goal. Rasonte wants to be a chef! Although she has her physical limitations, she does not limit herself. She like swimming, dancing and doing all the things kids her age love to do.

Variety the Children’s Charity has been serving children like Rasonte’ and those who are mentally and physically challenged for over twenty years in Barbados. We have assisted Rasonte in the past and are happy to host this campaign to ensure that she gets the life-enhancing prosthetics she needs to STAND TALL!


Her most pressing need is two prosthetic legs. Without them she walks in shoes attached to her knees. Currently her prosthetics are ill-fitting and can be painful if worn for too long. It is something like your shoes you have outgrown – but worse.

We can all help Rasonte’ in different ways. Most importantly she needs the money to get the prosthetics. You may give $5, or $50, or $500 or whatever you can afford. Each donor will receive an appreciation gift. If you are unable to give money right now, simply share this post or page with your friends and relatives on all your social media sites – Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram. Help Rasonte’ STAND TALL!


[call_to_action_bar buttontext=”Learn More” buttonurl=”” title=”Contribute to Rasonte’s life-enhancing equipment and receive an appreciation gift made by special hands.” excerpt=”Our Goal is US$7,500.00″ /]

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